Saturday, September 29, 2012


Nauvoo, the city of Joseph

We had an amazing visit to Nauvoo.  My parents are serving as missionaries there and we loved our week spent with them.
We were able to see so many historic sites and spend a lot of time with family but most important we strengthened our testimonies of this amazing gospel with the spirit that is felt in Nauvoo.  
Liam racing Daddy in the potato sack race

Grandma helping Caitlyn make a pioneer doll

Caitlyn loved dressing up in the pioneer clothes

She played house and school at the pioneer park

Also at pioneer park Liam played the pioneer games

The kids loved watching Grandma and Grandpa in the plays

Grandma played a crazy woman and really dramatized her part

Caitlyn wearing Grandma's costume

Liam wearing Grandpa's hat

The young performing missionaries really brought the spirit with their music and performances

Liam and Caitlyn in the children's parade
We went on a wagon ride and carriage ride, the kids loved it

Grandpa gave us the tour of his favorite historic home, the kids liked the brick shop and blacksmith also

We were able to visit with some cousins for a little while also
Grandma and Grandpa babysat so we could attend the temple

The statue of Joseph and Hyrum as they were riding out of town to Carthage

On the way out of town we stopped at Carthage. 

 When we reluctantly packed up to leave I could not help but think of the Trail of Hope and of my own ancestors that packed up all of their belongings to leave their homes, the Temple and this beautiful city they had built.  They left with hope and faith and they took that spirit with them to establish new cities where they could raise their families in peace, not the violence they experienced in Nauvoo and Missouri.  While I can't even imagine how difficult that had to be they did leave with hope because they had their family with them and they knew the family bond was an eternal bond.  Craig and I were able to leave with our own family and while we did leave my parents behind to continue their mission I left with the same hope and faith knowing that I am also bound to my family with an eternal bond, that knowledge was strengthened by my time I spent in Nauvoo.
The memories and souvenirs brought home with us will be a reminder of the precious time we were able to spend there.