Wednesday, April 11, 2012

HDR photography

I had the opportunity to attend a webinar on HDR photography last night and am so excited to play around with this technique.  I even woke up at 2:00 in the morning thinking about taking pictures and then even using some of my favorite pictures to make them a little better.  When I woke up this morning I went to the computer and played around with some of my images. 
I finally feel like my pictures can reflect a little more the true image that you can see with your eyes.  This technique works wonders when you have a dark area with a light background and you want to be able to see the detail in both the light and dark areas. 
Here are some of my favorite pictures that I just did not feel like I was getting all the details in until now - I know I will be playing around with this technique a lot more soon.  I would love any feedback or if any of you have played around with HDR photography and any tips that would be great.  I can also maybe answer any questions you may have if you would like to learn more about this technique or at least where to find some of the information at. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter egg hunt

All ready to go
With Easter being a week away we couldn't resist an Easter egg hunt while we were camping, it's a family tradition. 
we let the little girls go first and I think they missed about 5 eggs hidden in plain sight
Liam went next and picked up what the two little girls missed

I like how it looks like he is using his compass here to find eggs, future boy scout
Alex came running down the hill next, he had been patiently waiting
Following Uncle Dan, he led them to some eggs hidden in the dirt
Finally it was Megan's turn, she was in charge of finding the really hard ones Kayci had hid

Very happy about the stash of candy she had in front of her
The sunset at the end of the Easter egg hunt
 We had a wonderful weekend with the cousins and I will admit I still have not unpacked everything from the car yet.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Natural Bridge

Beautiful K

Handsome guy, even with a Utah shirt on

Eating a snack

At the top there is a road that goes over the rock bridge
Melissa's dream property

Native American village down by the bridge
mile walk along the river to a waterfall

nothing like a family camping picture but the waterfall was so pretty we needed to snap a shot

Walking into the cavern, Liam really liked the cave

We had a lot of fun exploring this Natural Bridge area

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Butterfly gardens

One of the places we went while camping was Natural Bridge in Virginia (pictures of this to follow this post) and they had a butterfly garden.  They had a lot of butterflies and none of them were too shy to land on you and climb on you, I found this out in the first 5 minutes of walking in the door.

Then M became the butterfly whisperer.

  It took a little more convincing to get S to let us put one in her hair.  I am not positive she even knew it was there. 


This butterfly flew onto Caitlyn, she did not like it much and this was as close as she would get to letting a butterfly on her.

After seeing us put butterflies on S, Caitlyn kept checking her head to make sure we had not put one on her.  
We were trying to see how many we could get on one head but they were flying off quickly, K ended up with a couple at once.

A couple really liked M's hat.

Even Dan had a couple at once, though I think his plan was to plant them somewhere else, like Caitlyn's head.