Wednesday, October 3, 2012


My 3lb 6 oz baby started Kindergarten this year!!  Seriously, how did that happen?  I do remember some long days when I looked forward to this event but those days quickly turned into months and then years.  Luckily, we only have 1/2 day kindergarten so I am able to get used to the fact that he is not home all day.  I worked that day so Craig stayed home to take him to school and pick him up, it was probably a good thing I did work because I know a few tears would have been shed.  Liam absolutely loves school and was very excited to go.  The first few days he came home and told me all about recess and playing dodge ball and how much he likes his teachers Mrs. Reles and Mrs. Macklin.  
I will admit I am enjoying my time alone with my daughter and I am actually accomplishing a few things while he is at school.  Who knows, maybe I will even be able to work on some of the many projects I find on pinterest. 

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely a bitter sweet experience. He looks so cute with his glasses and I love his Lego Star Wars shirt.
