Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Memorial Day camping

 For Memorial day weekend we went camping to Westmoreland State park again.  We really enjoy it there and I think this is going to become our yearly tradition.
Caitlyn fell down and hurt her hands.

Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate as much and we were unable to go kayaking due to high winds.  

Liam roasting some marshmallows. 

Liam roasts them and Caitlyn eats them.
We were able to go swimming and play a lot of baseball with our friends from our church ward we were camping with.   
It is always nice to be able to get away, enjoy nature and relax for a couple of days.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Red Rock

 I took the kids hiking one afternoon to a place called Red Rock wilderness.  It's only a few miles from our house and I have been there several times to take pictures but I had never hiked the trail before.

 There are several trails that run from some older buildings to the Potomac River.  We took the trail that circled around and took us along the river bed.  Approximately, 1 mile total.

The kids loved these bridges that crossed over small streams all leading to the river.  
Caitlyn pulling a face behind her brother.

 Of course anytime we go hiking we have to take snacks and stop along the trail to enjoy them.
 The final view of the river before heading back to the parking lot.  I definitely thought it was worth it.

Although I am still partial to the landscaping in Utah I must admit that Virginia also has some pretty amazing landscape as well.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Caitlyn and her next door friend were out playing in the yard when she came in so excited!  
They had finally found a 4 leaf clover.  
I still remember those days when I was a child, looking through the clover trying to find one with four leaves.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Liam played coach pitch baseball this spring.  His team was the MUDHENS!
 Coach pitch was definitely a little more challenging to hit the ball but he did have a few hits.
I love this baseball ready stance.  
 He was not always ready though.  
My favorite play of the season, he was on third base, the ball was hit to him and he grounded it then ran and tagged the runner out before he made it to base.  

We had a lot of fun watching him play!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Back at it

It has been a while since I've posting anything.  We have an older laptop and it finally died on me one day.  Luckily, I have an amazing husband who imaged the hard drive, bought a new hard drive, installed it and the laptop lived again.  However, the DVD rom drive was not working, which we also knew about before, so I could not load iphoto from our disks.  So once again my amazing husband ordered a new DVD rom drive and then installed it and my computer is as good as new, well as new as it can be considering it is actually 7 years old.  So on that note expect a few posts the next few days about what we have been up to since May.