Wednesday, May 9, 2012


 One of my favorite things this spring has been watching Liam play T-ball.  He loves playing and watching these young kids playing ball is very amusing.  I am sure it will not be a shock but I take plenty of pictures and love getting some action shots.  Instead of posting them all one by one I made collages to show the action of the play and still be able to post all my favorite shots.
This shot pretty much explains why he is still having a harder time catching the ball - I love it!!

First base - I love his "Michael Jordan" with his tongue sticking out and the concentration on his face. 
This play he was running to third and the ball was hit to the short stop who was having a hard time stopping it - Liam stopped running and tried to get the ball himself.  After a lot of coaxing (yelling) from Craig he finally continued his run to third. 

Here he was playing short stop, picked up a grounder and ran to third base to get the player out - He was so proud to get an out!  Some of the kids forget to touch the base to get the out so I love the shot of him actually touching the base.  He probably should have thrown it to the third baseman but since none of them can catch they tend to run to the base themselves.  
His swing - all of the bats are still pretty heavy for him, I need to bulk up his muscles a little.  Maybe some spinach and start lifting some weights. 

Stopped the grounder and threw the ball home instead of first base but I love his foot preparing for the plant to throw the ball.  He looks more like a pitcher. 
Sometimes it is so hard to see my little baby boy growing up but also exciting to enter a new phase with baseball, school, glasses, etc.  My dad used to be teased that he had to take a lot of pictures while he was hiking because he walked so fast it was the only way for him to remember what he had seen.  I am discovering that kids grow up so fast that taking a lot of pictures will be the way that I really remember all the memories I have of them as children.  These pictures will bring me right back to the days of watching him play baseball for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! What great memories. Maybe he'll be more likely to keep his eyes open when catching the ball now that he has glasses ;)
