Monday, July 25, 2011


We were invited by my brother and sister in law and family to join them on vacation to Williamsburg, VA.  We went there Memorial Day weekend with my cousin and family but only to Busch Gardens so we went again this time for the entire week so we could explore around even more.  I am definitely more of a thrill seeker than a history buff but my husband and sister in law love history so we spent one day in Colonial Williamsburg, which really was quite interesting, just not as exciting as the roller coasters in Busch Gardens.  Basically, it is a town set back in Revolutionary War times with fun buildings and actor portrayals of what was happening in history at that time.  We visited several buildings, my highlight was the bakery, but the cabinet making and blacksmith was also pretty interesting.  It was hot that day which didn't really help with the kids and keeping their attention on what the people were telling us about their trade but they did like the drummers and sword fight.

At the end of the day we went to the Governor's Palace.  Definitely my favorite building in Williamsburg and where I learned that Williamsburg was the capitol of Virginia for a while.  The kids enjoyed the grounds, especially this maze at the back of the building. 

While I didn't complain as much as my older nieces about why we were spending time there instead of the amusement park we were happy to be headed to the roller coasters the next day.  I did enjoy teasing them that we decided to skip the amusement and water parks and focus on history this week and ultimately we did gain more knowledge and information about the circumstances of the beginning of our country which is humbling indeed. 

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