Friday, January 14, 2011

playing Wii

Jumping to serve the ball in table tennis
Beating Daddy at sword fighting
With all my packing I will admit that the children have been left to entertain themselves more lately.  My son likes to play the Wii.  The last couple of weeks he has really improved at his Wii skills and it is fun to watch how excited he gets especially when he wins. 

Look at the concentration

My daughter tries to play with him but she does not get quite as excited about it.  She pulls some pretty funny faces when she is watching her bowling ball trying to hit some pins.

Tonight my son was especially excited about Daddy coming home to play with him.  He was ready to show off his skills.  Daddy was very impressed with his improvement.  Especially when he did win a couple of games.

He likes to jump when he plays tennis
His best sport is the sword fighting.  It's a little scary how quickly he knocks his opponent off the podium.  He definitely does not show any mercy to his sister either.  I told him to try to go easy on her but he wouldn't.  I also told him to not be a sore winner and he said "But Mom, I didn't say NaNaNa".  I guess that is all I can ask for. 

I love watching the family.  Everyone has fun playing together.

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