Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dinner with Grandma and the cousins

First of all being the "off in space person" that I can be sometimes I forgot to take my camera to this dinner.  It didn't help that I was in the middle of packing all my belongings into boxes either.  So these pictures are thanks to my little sisters ipod and not of the best quality.  I apologize.  My mother wanted to have one last family dinner before we moved away so she came to our house to help with moving and enjoy dinner.  My sister and her husband drove up, mostly to get the freezer and washer/dryer we were selling to them but also to say goodbye for a while.  Unfortunately my brother had to work so we met him and his wife on his lunch hour for our dinner.  My stepsister and her husband and cute kiddies came also. 
My kids just love their cousins.  We have been spoiled being so close to them and to grandma and grandpa.  It is definitely going to be an adjustment for them not being able to drive quickly to their houses and play with them. 

I think the biggest lesson I am going to learn moving across the country is to not take for granted my family.  I have lived so close to them up until now that I don't realize how lucky I am to have them nearby.  Luckily with technology we will still talk and share pictures and news but it will not quite be the same.  We will miss you all, especially you Grandma and Grandpa!!

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