Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Honest opinions needed

I love taking pictures and while I still have a lot to learn about photography I always enjoy playing around with different shots and seeing the outcome.  I noticed there was a cherry blossom photo contest and am really considering entering it with a few of these shots.  I need some honest opinions, first if any are good enough for a photography contest and second which ones are your favorites. 
Photo #1

Photo #2

Photo #3

Photo #4

Photo #5

Photo #6

Photo #7

Photo #8

Photo #9

Photo #10

Photo #11

Photo #12

Photo #13

Photo #14

Photo #15

Photo #16

Photo #17

Photo #18

Photo #19

Photo #20
Just let me know in comments your honest opinions about your favorites.  Thanks for any input!

Cherry Blossom Festival

Looking at the Capitol
Jefferson Memorial
WOW!! I loved going and seeing the cherry blossoms in D.C. yesterday.  Even with the cooler temperatures you can really feel and smell that spring is in the air.  My favorite time of year.  The kiddies didn't love trying to hold still while mommy took a ton of pictures but they did pretty good with it all.  Craig was able to join us when he was finished with work and they loved it a lot better when daddy came.  I am posting two posts of the pictures I took.  This one will be with the pictures with the kiddies, the next will be my favorite scenery pictures. 

Two different times I had tourists from Japan ask if they could get a picture with Caitlyn.  They thought she was so cute.  
This was their "the sun is in my eyes" picture
Liam wanted to ride in the paddle boats but when daddy joined us it was closed.  Maybe this summer.
Jefferson Memorial
Thomas Jefferson

On the steps of Jefferson Memorial

View of Washington Memorial from Jefferson Memorial

So pretty!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Caitlyn's First Date

With Craig being gone for the past week, we decided this weekend he needed to spend some alone time with both of the children.  This morning he and Liam went to the park to play some hockey, watch some hockey and play on the playground.  They had such a great time.  Tonight, he and Caitlyn went on a date.

I did her hair all crazy, like a princess so she sits still, and dressed her up in a little dress.

I told her to make sure Daddy opened her door and paid for her ice cream and that she be on her best behavior.  She was so excited and so cute about being able to go with Daddy.  They went for some ice cream and little shopping, buying some sunflower seeds because that is her favorite thing to eat with her daddy.  (and Mommy ate the rest of the other package while Daddy was out of town).
 I love seeing their relationship develop and am so thankful for a husband who is willing to spend time doing girl stuff with his little girl.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dressed for Spring

I sewed this pair of pants to go with her shirt I made a few days ago.  This time not quite as extreme with the ruffles as her last pair.
 She was jumping on the couch. 
 I think it turn out pretty cute and have a lot of people comment on the outfit.  It's hard for me not to mention that I sewed it with a little pride.  Your heart becomes so invested into something you make yourself.  That's probably why I am sad if I cook a dinner or meal that doesn't turn out yummy.  A lot of effort, but then again the more you do something the more experience you get even if it is by learning from the mistakes you make. 
 She jumps too soon or too late so I can never quite focus right.  1, 2, jump instead of 3 or else it's 1, 2, 3, pause then jump. 
 I did her hair with two knots at the top.  Another hairstyle from my favorite website but this is the only picture she would let me take of it.  She was done with me taking pictures. 
Her "I'm determined to pull you off the couch because you made me mad" look

Friday, March 25, 2011

Double twist hairdo

I am always looking for new ways to do my daughters hair.  Though it is fairly short, fine and several different lengths I love to try anything with it.  She is not the best at holding still yet, (though a lot better than I ever was, just ask my mother), but I figure if I can practice doing the cute styles now when she gets older we will be pros.  I get her to cooperate by telling her we are doing a princess hairdo.  She is always willing when she being a princess is involved.
I love this website, with instructional videos and she does some really cute holiday styles. 
This style is called the double twist into a side messy bun

Her hair is not quite long enough for too much of a messy bun at the end, plus she was at her I'm done point.  
View from the front.  My silly little Princess.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sewing project #2

Since my first sewing project went pretty well and actually quite enjoyable I thought I would try another one.  I did some grief about the last outfit being a little over the top I chose a little more mild and less colorful material to work with.  
Basically a bodice with lining, a gathered lower panel, two straps and then ties on the side.

Even though it's not as gathered as the last ruffles, she still likes to twirl around in it.