Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cherry Blossom Festival

Looking at the Capitol
Jefferson Memorial
WOW!! I loved going and seeing the cherry blossoms in D.C. yesterday.  Even with the cooler temperatures you can really feel and smell that spring is in the air.  My favorite time of year.  The kiddies didn't love trying to hold still while mommy took a ton of pictures but they did pretty good with it all.  Craig was able to join us when he was finished with work and they loved it a lot better when daddy came.  I am posting two posts of the pictures I took.  This one will be with the pictures with the kiddies, the next will be my favorite scenery pictures. 

Two different times I had tourists from Japan ask if they could get a picture with Caitlyn.  They thought she was so cute.  
This was their "the sun is in my eyes" picture
Liam wanted to ride in the paddle boats but when daddy joined us it was closed.  Maybe this summer.
Jefferson Memorial
Thomas Jefferson

On the steps of Jefferson Memorial

View of Washington Memorial from Jefferson Memorial

So pretty!


  1. Super jealous! We want to visit next year for the festival.

  2. I'm so glad to have found your blog. I love all the photos and the commentary. Makes me think you are a little closer. Love you so much! Your most favorite mom's-twin-sister Aunt.
