Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dressed for Spring

I sewed this pair of pants to go with her shirt I made a few days ago.  This time not quite as extreme with the ruffles as her last pair.
 She was jumping on the couch. 
 I think it turn out pretty cute and have a lot of people comment on the outfit.  It's hard for me not to mention that I sewed it with a little pride.  Your heart becomes so invested into something you make yourself.  That's probably why I am sad if I cook a dinner or meal that doesn't turn out yummy.  A lot of effort, but then again the more you do something the more experience you get even if it is by learning from the mistakes you make. 
 She jumps too soon or too late so I can never quite focus right.  1, 2, jump instead of 3 or else it's 1, 2, 3, pause then jump. 
 I did her hair with two knots at the top.  Another hairstyle from my favorite website but this is the only picture she would let me take of it.  She was done with me taking pictures. 
Her "I'm determined to pull you off the couch because you made me mad" look

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