Friday, March 25, 2011

Double twist hairdo

I am always looking for new ways to do my daughters hair.  Though it is fairly short, fine and several different lengths I love to try anything with it.  She is not the best at holding still yet, (though a lot better than I ever was, just ask my mother), but I figure if I can practice doing the cute styles now when she gets older we will be pros.  I get her to cooperate by telling her we are doing a princess hairdo.  She is always willing when she being a princess is involved.
I love this website, with instructional videos and she does some really cute holiday styles. 
This style is called the double twist into a side messy bun

Her hair is not quite long enough for too much of a messy bun at the end, plus she was at her I'm done point.  
View from the front.  My silly little Princess.

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