Thursday, April 21, 2011


Lately my husband has been out enjoying street hockey.  He skated a lot as a teenager and since moving here he has found an outside hockey rink to play on.  He loves getting out and it is a great release from the stress of working all week to go play on the weekends.  He has been taking my son with him and my son has really been loving it.  A few weeks ago though my husband did accidentally hit my son in the leg with a hockey puck and after that decided we needed to get him some pads.  So we went to the sports store and bought him a set of shin guards, knee guards, and hip and thigh pads. We brought them home and tried them on and he looked so grown up in them that we wanted to get pictures of him.

His mean face

this is as mean as he gets

Now all we need is a helmet and some skates and he will be ready to play with the boys next year!!


  1. he DOES look all grown up in all that padding! I confess to stalking your blog, but not taking the time to say "hi" "hi"! Glad to see you guys are getting along so well!

  2. It is a little scary how fast he really is growing up. Thanks for saying "hi".
