Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Harper's Ferry, West Virginia

Random is how we came about picking Harper's Ferry as the place of our weekend getaway.  I was simply looking for nearby KOA's and it was the easiest and closest.  I really didn't know much about it other than it was in West Virginia and a co-worker of Craig's lived there.  I did a little research before we left to find out that it was near a National Historic Park so I figured we would have plenty to discover.  We left early Friday morning to allow Craig to play a round of disc golf and the kids and I play at the playground then headed on further to Harper's Ferry.  As we were leaving Virginia we came across a big river which from a sign we learned was the Shenandoah River and across from it we saw a beautiful old chapel and town right near it.  We were both intrigued by it but at this time did not know this was actually Harper's Ferry.  We found the KOA and National Park and across from the street a tourist center.  We stopped by the tourist center first to find out that the National Park was the actual town of Harper's Ferry and some of the surrounding areas.  She told us the town played a significant role in the Civil War and in the Industry movement.  We took a shuttle from the Park visitor's center to the town and walking around several of the buildings provided the history of this town. Basically, Harper's Ferry was the location of the second armory that George Washington had built.  Washington had surveyed much of this land and his brother Charles, founded a town about 5 miles away.  Harper's Ferry is unique in that right at the point of the city is where the Shenandoah and the Potomac Rivers meet and combine into the Potomac that flows into the Atlantic Ocean.  A town with a lot of industry due to the rivers being a valuable resource for movement then the railroad was also built running through the town.  Thomas Jefferson also visited this area and wrote how amazing it was to view the two rivers meeting together.  The rock where he sat still stands today and we hiked to it to see the same view he saw.  That trail we hiked on is also part of the Appalachian trail and as we learned more about it this weekend it is now a goal of Craig's to hike all of it in parts.  Maybe when we retire we could take the 6 months to hike the entire thing at once - it is just over 2000 miles and runs from Maine to Georgia.

When the United States was in conflict about the issue of slavery an abolitionist by the name of John Brown raided the armory with the intention of arming the slaves and free them but the raid failed with several of his men killed or captured by local farmers and US marines under the command of Robert E. Lee.  John Brown was tried for treason against the State of Virginia and for the murder of 5 pro slavery Southerners and subsequently hanged later that year.  Many believe that his act is what triggered the tensions to increase and a year later the secession of the States and start of the Civil War.  The town was valued by both the North and South soldiers due to the railroad and supply lines so it was a scene of several battles, trading hands between the North and South about 8 times.  During one of these times the Union soldiers did not want the Confederate soldiers to be able to use the weapons from the armory and destroyed several weapons and most of the machines used to create the guns.  Stonewall Jackson was one of the leaders who tried to maintain Harper's Ferry for the Confederacy but eventually the Union did gain control of Harper's Ferry and Abraham Lincoln came to survey the troops.  We were able to stand on the same field where he stood to do this.  After the devastation from the Civil war and several floods the town was never really the prominent town it once was. 

We also found out that Harper's Ferry happens to be the most photographed town in the United States and of course I forgot my camera.  I can definitely see why with the historical buildings and the river fronts and bridges, very unique backgrounds.  The city is pretty much a tourist town now with cute shops and restaurants and the lower buildings being maintained by the National Parks service, but one that I would want to visit again, with my camera this time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Camping - well sort of

With all the craziness that's been going on for a while Craig wanted to take a weekend and do something fun with the family.  We decided since he had Presidents Day off that he would take Friday off also and we would have a long weekend to spend.  With the weather being in the 70's a few days before we left, he decided it was time for some camping.  Knowing how February can be with short lived warm weather I looked for KOA's nearby with some cabins.  We found one at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia for a really good deal.  We decided to jump at the opportunity and started the packing.  I packed clothes and some games and fun things to do at the cabin, however was not really thinking actual camping so didn't bring much camping gear.  I also forgot my camera, which I was so sad about, Craig teased me about forgetting it since I always have it around my neck but with my scatterbrain I did forget to grab it.  When we arrived at the cabin we found no bedding - luckily I had brought the kids sleeping bags and a couple of blankets but no pillows.  The cabin did have a light which was good since I packed no flashlight.  We headed to Walmart to pick up a few things and Craig and I were talking about missing our pillows and I mentioned we could buy a couple unless Walmart had $3.00 pillows then we could buy 4 or 5 for us and the kids.  Ironically just as I said that and turned the corner there was a sign for $3.00 pillows.  Yay!!  We bought some firewood and hot chocolate, marshmallows, and chocolate for the kids first experience with smores.  We enjoyed some hiking and discovering the history of Harper's Ferry.  More on that in tomorrow's blog.  The nights did get pretty chilly but with our heater in the cabin we were all toasty and warm.  We really enjoyed a nice long weekend with just our little family and no tv or distractions just games, relaxing and nature.  The perfect way to rejuvenate for the weeks ahead and recovering from the crazy weeks now behind us. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sewing, Really?

New Years Day is a big day in Delta Utah where I am from.  It is the day when our little fabric shop has a big sale on all fabric and supplies.  This year I was in Delta so I went with my mother and sisters to stand in line for the big open.  I was not planning on buying anything except maybe a quilting book since that is what I have been doing lately and with me moving I wouldn't have my mother there to show me how to do everything.  As I was looking at books though I came across this one and loved it.  Basically it has 4 patterns, one for shirts and dresses, pants and skirts.

I am not sure why since growing up I never liked sewing much but I ended up purchasing it along with some cute fabric with the idea of making my daughter some cute pants and shirts.  I have been excited to get going on it all but with moving I decided packing up the house took priority over my sewing project.  Well now that things are a little more settled I pulled it all out yesterday to start on. 
I quite enjoyed sewing it all and found myself not being able to put it away.  I ended up working quite late and most of the day for two days straight and finished the one pair of pants and shirt with this material.  I was so proud being able to figure out the pattern and how it all went together seeing as how I haven't sewed from a pattern since high school.  I even pulled out the iron to press the seams and hems.  That thud you heard was my mother falling over from shock.  I never use the iron.  I think it all turned out pretty cute and excited to work on another pair of pants and shirt I had bought some material for that same day.
Okay her face doesn't really show it but she does like it.  She loves the ruffles and twirling around in it.  

It also makes me appreciate my mother more.  She sewed outfits for all 4 of her girls and while I said I did enjoy sewing it I don't think I would if I had to do 4 of them.  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Finally, a hairdo

I noticed that lately in all my pictures of my daughter she never had her hair done.  Life's been pretty busy lately but still a girl needs her hair all pretty, especially my little princess.  She really is good at letting me do her hair also.  (I never was, just ask my mommy)  
My sister did her daughters hair this way so I thought I would try it.  It turned out so cute and my daughter thinks it is a princess hairdo. 

I was trying to show her the back in the mirror and grabbed my camera and took some pictures of her looking in the mirror. 

This was her I'm done taking pictures face

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our new home??

The stairs to our new apartment.  We are on the 4th floor, a total of 60 steps.  Good exercise.
The other day we walked down the stairs and as I was putting my daughter in the car she mentioned she needed to go potty.  So we walked up the four flights of stairs, used the potty and walked back down.  Did I mention good exercise?

One of the three pools in our complex area.  We probably won't be swimming for a few months but I am definitely looking forward to it in the summer. 

As you walk in the door this is the first view you see.  Our built in desk, which is really quite nice to be able to have the laptop somewhere where I can use it and still keep an eye on the kiddies.

The kiddies room.  We finally bought their bunk beds and put them together, then I put the shelf up.  They are loving their new beds. 

The kitchen is pretty typical, a lot of cupboard space though.  We have an island which has drawers and cupboards underneath it also.  I have plenty of counter top space and room for all of my kitchen gadgets.  I think I even have an empty cupboard.  There is also a huge pantry/laundry room with lots of shelves and space for my food storage.  Definitely a must for when we buy a new house. 

Our living room.  Craig did an amazing job on mounting the TV above the fireplace.  I am hanging a few pictures to help it feel more like home. 

Craig's office, he will be working from home quite often.  This desk is in our bedroom, along with our bed, armoire, dresser, sewing table and nightstand.  Needless to say it all fits.  

Last but not least is our walk-in closets.  Both the master bedroom and kiddies room have walk in closets with lots of storage room.  You can see all my scrapbook and files are in our closets.  The kids closet has their toys and sports equipment.  Again something I will be looking for in a new house.  

We also have a balcony that is currently full of all our camping gear, golf clubs and bikes.  We are looking forward to warmer weather when we can use all of it.  And our bathroom has a nice big garden style tub, unfortunately not always enough hot water to fill it.  

We live within 10 miles of 4 golf courses, one of which is just next door.  Close enough I could sneak on and maybe play a few holes, who does that remind you of?  With my luck all of them will be private or very expensive but I will look into that when the weather warms up.  I will definitely be learning how to golf with a lot of trees around.  My incentive for Josh to come and visit me.  Oh and the US Open will be played here in the DC area,  I am contemplating getting tickets for it.  Let me know if you are coming. 

We also live 10 miles from a huge outlet store area.  From Old Navy, Gymboree, to Bose and Crate and Barrel.  Micheal Kors, Chico, Jos. A. Bank, Gap and 20-30 other stores I can see I will be spending a little time in that area.  My mom will be joining me shortly for it all also. 

We are adjusting well to our new environment 
and while everything
is falling into place 
it is certainly not home yet. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Going to the Princess Castle

My sister served her mission in Washington DC and when we moved she was telling my daughter there is a princess castle there.  She was so excited to see it so we took a trip.  
The sister missionaries at the visitors center we so sweet and gave my daughter this picture of the Temple and a picture of the Savior also.  

What a beautiful temple. 

Then . . .

We had to visit a few football stadiums for Craig.  He found out that the Redskins, Ravens and Eagles all play the 49ers at home this upcoming season.  He's so excited to attend those games, now I just have to convince him to take me instead of my son.  
Washington Redskins Stadium
Baltimore Ravens stadium

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Air and Space Museum

After being in the Washington DC area for almost two weeks I decided to venture out and go in the city to take the kiddies to the Air and Space museum.  Craig was working downtown that day and would possibly be able to meet me for lunch and help with the kids at the museum.  A very nice thing about DC is that a lot of the museums are free to go to, so even if I was only able to spend an hour or so at the museum with the kiddies I wouldn't feel too bad about paying to get in.  However getting into downtown is the crazy part.  Luckily Craig had been downtown before so he was able to give me information on how to do it.  The best way to go into downtown is by riding the metro, another nice thing is that the two kiddies are free to ride with metro with one paying adult.  The nearest metro station to our apartment is about 20 miles away and about 30-40 minutes with little traffic or an hour and a half at peak traffic time.  So not wanting to go during rush hour I waited to leave about 9:30 in the morning.  About halfway to the station I remember that I left my camera on the table at the apartment, I really needed it as evidence I ventured out in case it was the only time I dared do so.  Well I arrived at the station only to find that entire parking garage was full, I discovered this after driving around every level for about 30 minutes.  After I was exiting they decided to put the sign up saying the lot was full.  I found a nice attendant that told me the next station lot would be full also but the one after that had additional parking at the University and to try that station.  As I was pulled over looking at my map of how to get to that station is when my daughter found it the appropriate time to inform me a bathroom was needed.  Traveling with kids is so fun sometimes.  Luckily it was only a 5 minute drive to that station and there happened to be a grocery store nearby.  The nice thing about this stop though was I was able to buy a card that you can put money on for the metro and parking and you don't have to worry about how much fare and buying a ticket when you get to the station.  After the bathroom and a treat, of course, and buying the card we found the station and with that lot being full the additional parking at the University.  With my luck the train was arriving just as we were entering the station so I was trying to hurry and get through the gate which is a little tricky with getting two kids in with you all with the one swipe of the card.  We managed to do so and run down the escalator to catch the train just as the doors were closing.  The kiddies loved riding the train and were being very good and I was thinking I could handle this.  Then a lady came and sat by us, saw me with the two kiddies and mentioned how brave I was.  I panicked for a second but knew that life was an adventure and this would end up being one no matter what happens.  We arrived at our station which happens to be one of the busiest where people can switch to three other metro trains and followed the exit signs.  Once you find your way onto the street then comes that tricky part in deciding which way to travel to get to your destination.  I look on my iphone and start heading towards the next block, when I check my iphone again I realize I had just walked a block in the wrong direction.  Luckily with the iphone it is easy to reroute and go in the right direction.  We received several interesting looks from the other pedestrians around us and even a few comments.  I did not see another child around and I am sure I was quite amusing holding onto each child's hand and trying to look at my phone at the same time, all while crossing the busy streets.

We arrived at the museum and Craig was able to join us about a minute later.  We ate lunch and then walked about the museum for about 20 minutes with Craig then another hour with just the kids and I.  They enjoyed looking at the big airplanes and space shuttles in the air and touching anything with buttons to play with but as far as reading about anything they were not that interested.

The walk back was a lot quicker and easier with access to the metro a lot closer to the museum then where we emerged getting off and the drive back home was quick and easy, only 30 minutes back to the apartment.  Overall I would say and success and something I would like to do a few times a month.  There are so many museums and history that I really want to try to take it all in, even if it has to be an hour at a time with two young children, which is good so next visit I can take my camera and get some better pictures.  My iphone is just not the same.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stir Crazy

After 2 1/2 days in the car and then the next 4 days in our apartment while Mommy and Daddy were unloading boxes the kiddies were definitely going Stir Crazy.  For both my sanity and theirs I looked up gyms in the area and found this little bounce gym where they could play on the blow up slides and get some energy out.  It took a little convincing to get them down this slide the first time but after that they loved it.  A world of difference was seen after they were able to play for a while.